Awards and Honors


  1. Fellow, Psychonomic Society, 2022
  2. Early Career Award, Linguistic Society of America, 2022
  3. Peter Paul Career Development Professorship, Boston University, 2016-2019


  1. Christopher Brumfit Thesis Award Finalist, Cambridge University Press and Language Teaching, 2011
  2. Raymond H. Stetson Scholarship in Phonetics and Speech Production (Honorable Mention), Acoustical Society of America, 2010
  3. Best Student Paper Award in Speech Communication (First Prize), Acoustical Society of America, 2009


  1. EAPSI-KOREA Mentor of the Year, National Research Foundation of Korea, 2010
  2. Teaching Effectiveness Award, Graduate Council Advisory Committee for GSI Affairs, University of California, Berkeley, 2009
  3. Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award, Graduate Council Advisory Committee for GSI Affairs, University of California, Berkeley, 2009


  1. Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing, PoznaƄ Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, 2018
  2. Top Reviewer in Social Sciences Award, Publons, 2018
  3. Top Reviewer for Boston University (in Arts and Humanities) Award, Publons, 2017
  4. Sentinels of Science: Social Sciences Award, Publons, 2016

Professor of Linguistics, City University of Hong Kong