Emerging Scholars in Linguistics

Emerging Scholars in Linguistics at Boston University
Call for Nominations, 2020-2021

The Department of Linguistics at Boston University invites (self-)nominations of junior scholars from underrepresented minority (URM) groups for a new speaker series to be held in the academic year 2020-21. (Note: by junior scholars, we mean advanced doctoral students, postdoctoral fellows, and early-career faculty, and by URM, we mean racial/ethnic groups historically underrepresented in the academy — people of Black/African American, Native American/Alaska Native, Latinx, and/or Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander descent.)

This speaker series will bring emerging scholars in linguistics to Boston University to share their work with our department and the broader academic community. We are particularly interested in scholars working on topics in the area of language acquisition and/or language variation and change. Invited scholars will be guests of the Department of Linguistics for two days, to include individual and small-group meetings with faculty and students as well as a public research colloquium. All travel and accommodation expenses and a modest honorarium will be covered by Boston University.

What to submit: (1) a brief description of the scholar and their work, interests, goals, and/or contribution to making the academy a more inclusive environment (does not have to be long; a few sentences will suffice), and (2) a current CV (or link to such). ***SELF-NOMINATIONS ARE VERY WELCOME AND WILL BE FULLY CONSIDERED.***

How and when to submit: by email to Prof. Charles Chang, Chair of the Emerging Scholars organizing committee, at cc@bu.edu before July 1, 2020. Nominees will be notified of an invitation on or before August 31, 2020. Questions may be addressed to Prof. Chang (cc@bu.edu, +1-617-353-8718) or the other members of the Emerging Scholars organizing committee: Prof. Kate Lindsey and Prof. Danny Erker.

Professor of Linguistics, City University of Hong Kong