2010 & Prior


  • Chang, C. B. (2010a). The implementation of laryngeal contrast in Korean as a Second Language. Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics, 13, 91-104. [pdf]
  • Chang, C. B. (2010b). Learning to produce a multidimensional laryngeal contrast. In K. Dziubalska-Kołaczyk, M. Wrembel, & M. Kul (Eds.), New Sounds 2010: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech, pp. 89-94. Poznań, Poland: Adam Mickiewicz University. [pdf]
  • Chang, C. B., Haynes, E. F., Yao, Y., & Rhodes, R. (2010). The phonetic space of phonological categories in heritage speakers of Mandarin. In M. Bane, J. Bueno, T. Grano, A. Grotberg, & Y. McNabb (Eds.), Proceedings from the 44th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: The Main Session, pp. 31-45. Chicago, IL: Chicago Linguistic Society. [abstract | pdf]


  • Chang, C. B. (2009a). Convergence and divergence in language obsolescence. In M. Pak (Ed.), Current Issues in Unity and Diversity of Languages, pp. 933-952. Seoul, South Korea: Linguistic Society of Korea. [pdf]
  • Chang, C. B. (2009b). The status of voicing and aspiration as cues to Korean laryngeal contrast. In M. Elliott, J. Kirby, O. Sawada, E. Staraki, & S. Yoon (Eds.), Proceedings from the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: The Main Session, pp. 31-45. Chicago, IL: Chicago Linguistic Society. [abstract | pdf]
  • Chang, C. B. (2009c). Short-term phonetic drift in an L2 immersion environment. In Y.-S. Kang, S.-W. Tang, C. Kim, J.-Y. Yoon, Y.-S. Kang, K.-A. Kim, H. Yoo, Y. Jang, & H.-K. Kang (Eds.), Current Issues in Linguistic Interfaces (Volume 2), pp. 31-46. Seoul, South Korea: Linguistic Society of Korea. [pdf]
  • Chang, C. B. (2009d). English loanword adaptation in Burmese. Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, 1, 77-94. [pdf]
  • Chang, C. B., Haynes, E. F., Yao, Y., & Rhodes, R. (2009). A tale of five fricatives: Consonantal contrast in heritage speakers of Mandarin. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics, 15(1), 37-43. [pdf]
  • Yao, Y., Chang, C. B., Katseff, S., Lee-Goldman, R., & Piqueras-Brunet, M. (2009). A web-accessible dictionary of Southeastern Pomo. In M. Pak (Ed.), Current Issues in Unity and Diversity of Languages, pp. 2824-2835. Seoul, South Korea: Linguistic Society of Korea. [pdf]


  • Chang, C. B. (2008a). The acoustics of Korean fricatives revisited. Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics, 12, 137-150. [abstract | pdf]
  • Chang, C. B. (2008b). Variation in palatal production in Buenos Aires Spanish. In M. Westmoreland and J. A. Thomas (Eds.), Selected Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics, pp. 54-63. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project. [abstract | pdf]
  • Chang, C. B., & Haynie, H. J., eds. (2008). Proceedings of the 26th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 26). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.


  • Chang, C. B. (2007). Perspectives on the Korean laryngeal contrast from cross-linguistic perceptual similarity. LSO Working Papers in Linguistics, 7, 55-69. [pdf]
  • Chang, C., & Yao, Y. (2007). Tone production in whispered Mandarin. In J. Trouvain & W. J. Barry (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, pp. 1085-1088. Dudweiler, Germany: Pirrot. [pdf]


  • Chang, C., Dugarova, E., Theodoropoulou, I., Vilar Beltrán, E., & Wilford, E., eds. (2006). CamLing 2006: Proceedings of the 4th University of Cambridge Postgraduate Conference in Language Research. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Institute of Language Research.
  • Chang, C. B. (2006b). Tense consonants in Korean revisited: A crosslinguistic perceptual study. In C. Chang, E. Dugarova, I. Theodoropoulou, E. Vilar Beltrán, & E. Wilford (Eds.), CamLing 2006: Proceedings of the 4th University of Cambridge Postgraduate Conference in Language Research, pp. 35-42. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Institute of Language Research. [pdf]
  • Chang, C. B. (2006a). On activation and suppression in the dual-route model of reading: bass the fish or bass the guitar? In Proceedings of SICOL 2006: The Seoul International Conference on Linguistics, pp. 521-530. Seoul, South Korea: Linguistic Society of Korea. [abstract | pdf]


Professor of Linguistics, City University of Hong Kong