Here are some links to various unpublished papers:
- Chang, C. B. (2010). First language phonetic drift during second language acquisition. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Berkeley.
- Chang, C. B. (2005). On existentials, locatives, and the definiteness effect in Korean. Ms., University of California, Berkeley.
- Chang, C. B. (2005). On the representation of fixed segmentism and melodic overwriting in echo reduplication: Against a precedence-based model. Ms., University of California, Berkeley.
- Chang, C. B. (2005). The effect of articulatory reduction on intelligibility at fast speech rates: Word recognition in natural fast speech vs. compressed slow speech. Ms., University of California, Berkeley.
- Chang, C. B. (2004). *Something up with which I will not put: Prepositions, particles, and pied piping in English. Ms., University of California, Berkeley.
- Chang, C. B. (2004). All syntaxed out: The exhaustive verb-particle construction in English. Ms., University of California, Berkeley.
- Chang, C. B. (2003). “High-interest loans”: The phonology of English loanword adaptation in Burmese. A.B. thesis, Harvard University.